Agility Entry Form for LCKC

Agility Online Entry Form - LCKC

Agility Online Entry Form - LCKC

Fill in the online form once for each dog you are entering for the trial.
Once your entry is confirmed you will get a confirmation email for each dog directly from the trial software.
Each online transaction (not each dog or run but each whole transaction) will be charged a 7% processing fee to cover the additional charges and work K-9 Sports is incurring. The Processing fee is non-refundable should the event be cancelled.

Usually the same as the owner first name.
Usually the same as the owner last name.
Note: to receive theJR Handler discount, a paper entry is required.

Dog Information

For All-American or PAL dogs please put N/A in Sire/Dam fields if they are unknown.
Enter your dog's AKC number using the format indicated
Use the popup calendar to select the date of birth.
Format is XX.XX. No alpha, symbols, spaces, slashes, or dashes. Example: 12.25
Measurement Info
See premium for details about titling track options. If you want to mix regular and preferred classes, you must submit 2 separate forms. One for Regular and on for Preferred.

Day 1

Day 1 Runs
Check any levels that you plan to enter in the trial
Total for Day 1 (One Run)

Total for Day 1: $19.00

Total for Day 1 (Two Runs)

Total for Day 1: $38.00

Total for Day 1 (Three Runs)

Total for Day 1: $57.00

Total for Day 1 (Four Runs)

Total for Day 1: $71.00

Total for Day 1 (Five Runs)

Total for Day 1: $85.00

Total for Day 1 (Six Runs)

Total for Day 1: $99.00

Day 2

Day 2 Runs
Check any levels that you plan to enter in the trial
Total for Day 2 (One Run)

Total for Day 2: $19.00

Total for Day 2 (Two Runs)

Total for Day 2: $38.00

Total for Day 2 (Three Runs)

Total for Day 2: $57.00

Total for Day 2 (Four Runs)

Total for Day 2: $71.00

Total for Day 2 (Five Runs)

Total for Day 2: $85.00

Total for Day 2 (Six Runs)

Total for Day 2: $99.00

Day 3

Day 3 Runs
Check any levels that you plan to enter in the trial
Total for Day 3 (One Run)

Total for Day 3: $19.00

Total for Day 3 (Two Runs)

Total for Day 3: $38.00

Total for Day 3 (Three Runs)

Total for Day 3: $57.00

Total for Day 3 (Four Runs)

Total for Day 3: $71.00

Total for Day 3 (Five Runs)

Total for Day 3: $85.00

Total for Day 3 (Six Runs)

Total for Day 3: $99.00

Entry Totals

Value of certificates/coupons/vouchers will be deducted from the PayPal Invoice. These items must then be mailed to the Secretary or brought to the trial and turned in to the Secretary.

AKC Agreement
For payment of entry fees, you will be taken to PayPal to pay. Fee of 7% will be added to all online payments.
Enter your Full Name as your electronic Signature
If you are not certain what this is, please ignore.